Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Can't today become any worst???

- I did not memorize some of the formula
- I misplaced a constant in a different formula
- I get neck pain
- Malaysia government decided to give right for World Cup gambling in Malaysia
- Adsense rejected my application.

What else? Duhh..... I'm tired :<


  1. the only solution dat u need to do is REDO je la!haha

  2. 1)Be patient.

    2)Ignore Malaysia government.
    3)Ignore Adsense.
    4)Get medication for neck pain.
    5)Do better next time with constants.
    6)Memorize more formulae next time.
    7)Ignore Calculus for now.
    8)Concentrate on what's to come

    9)Ingat Allah. Ingat Rasulullah.
    10) Solat, istighfar dan doa banyak-banyak.

    Insyaallah selamat.
